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Applying Motivational Interviewing to End-of-Life Care Challenges
Gary GardiaProfessional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersGary Gardia04/08/2025Webinar

Managing Patient & Family Expectations
Susan Keane BakerExecutive Leadership, Nursing, Professional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersSusan Keane Baker05/22/2025Webinar

Denial: Misdiagnosed & Misunderstood
Gary GardiaBereavement, Clinical Management, Executive Leadership, Human Resources, Nursing, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersGary Gardia06/05/2025Webinar

Empowering People Coping with a Terminal Condition
Julie GuistwiteBereavement, Professional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersJulie Guistwite06/11/2025Webinar

Hospice Social Workers Part 1: The Role of the Hospice Social Worker: A Unique & Specialized Focus
Gary GardiaDirectors, Social Workers & Spiritual CaregiversGary Gardia10/15/2025Webinar

Personality Disorders & Challenging Personalities: Clients & Team Members
Gary GardiaBereavement, Social Workers & Spiritual CaregiversGary Gardia10/30/2025Webinar

Preparing Family Caregivers for the Death and Bereavement
Julie GuistwiteNursing, Professional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersJulie Guistwite11/12/2025Webinar

Understanding a Child's Reaction to Illness & Death
Michael "Kim" WilliamsonSocial Workers & Spiritual CaregiversMichael "Kim" Williamson11/13/2025Webinar

Hospice Social Workers Part 2: Obstacles: Time, Dementia-Related Diagnoses & Insufficient Hospice-Specific Skills
Gary GardiaDirectors, Social Workers & Spiritual CaregiversGary Gardia11/19/2025Webinar

Mindfulness & Deep Listening as Counseling Techniques
Gary GardiaProfessional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersGary Gardia12/03/2025Webinar

Hospice-Specific Counseling Skills for Chaplains
Gary GardiaDirectors, Social Workers & Spiritual CaregiversGary GardiaOn-DemandWebinar

Interdisciplinary Teams: Defining & Functioning
Gary GardiaBereavement, Directors, Nursing, Professional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersGary GardiaOn-DemandWebinar

Mistakes Happen: Cultivating Service Recovery Skills
Gary GardiaBereavement, Directors, Nursing, Professional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersGary GardiaOn-DemandWebinar

Creating an LGBTQ+ Caring, Sensitive & Inclusive Program
Gary GardiaBereavement, Directors, Nursing, Professional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersGary GardiaOn-DemandWebinar

Self-Assessment: Getting Away from Routine, Task-Focused, End-of-Life Care
Gary GardiaBereavement, Directors, Nursing, Professional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersGary GardiaOn-DemandWebinar

Cultural Competency: Religious & Spiritually Diverse Practices in Death, Dying & Bereavement
Julie GuistwiteBereavement, Professional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersJulie GuistwiteOn-DemandWebinar

"Don't Mention Death in Our House" & Other Challenging Family Situations
Gary GardiaDirectors, Nursing, Professional Development, Social Workers & Spiritual Caregivers, Volunteer ManagersGary GardiaOn-DemandWebinar

Providing Spiritual Care to Agnostics & Atheists
Jim AndrewsBereavement, Executive Leadership, Social Workers & Spiritual CaregiversJim AndrewsOn-DemandWebinar

Overcoming the Top 5 Obstacles to Exceptional IDT Care
Gary GardiaClinical Management, Directors, Executive Leadership, Social Workers & Spiritual CaregiversGary GardiaOn-DemandWebinar

Creative Programming for Caregivers & the Bereaved
Gary GardiaBereavement, Business Development, Social Workers & Spiritual CaregiversGary GardiaOn-DemandWebinar

Guiding Caregivers Through Difficult & Meaningful Conversations
Gary GardiaBereavement, Social Workers & Spiritual CaregiversGary GardiaOn-DemandWebinar

Re-Examining Boundaries: When to Step Forward or Back
Gary GardiaSocial Workers & Spiritual CaregiversGary GardiaOn-DemandWebinar

What Do They Believe & Why Does It Matter?
Jim AndrewsBereavement, Social Workers & Spiritual CaregiversJim AndrewsOn-DemandWebinar

Documenting Spiritual End-of-Life Care
Jim AndrewsBereavement, Clinical Management, Social Workers & Spiritual CaregiversJim AndrewsOn-DemandWebinar