Gold in the Hills: Strengthening your Referral Inquiry to Admission Process
Gold in the Hills: Strengthening your Referral Inquiry to Admission Process
The larger the pending list the better! This is the best place to start for getting an admission today. The people on this list are here because they trust your organization in some way.
Never stop working the pending list. Take a look daily and weekly to really scrub out pending referrals and update their status. Use the collective wisdom of the group to accomplish this task.
Work a 90-day process to eliminate the barrier(s) preventing the patient/family from electing their hospice benefit. This is the most important thing to identify in your pending list to convert a referral to an admission.
Categorize the pending contacts into “buckets,” sorted by why they did not admit. This will help you understand why, learn how to eliminate the barriers, and think creatively. These buckets include:
- Patient/family issues
- Doctor issues
- Not eligible under CMS guidelines
- On skilled days
- Admitted to another hospice/home care of private duty company
Learn how to develop your pending list and widen the top of your referral funnel with Kurt’s webinar, directed by the Hospice & Home Care Webinar Network. To learn more please contact us at support@eewebinarnetwork.com or call us at (406) 442-2585.
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