Using Pronouns in Your Diversity & Inclusion Policies
Using Pronouns in Your Diversity & Inclusion Policies
To quote U.S. Congresswoman Joyce Beatty, Chair House Financial Services Committee on Diversity & Inclusion, “Diversity cannot merely be the ‘nice thing to do.’ It must penetrate the company’s mission, practices, and organizational culture. It must start at the top with the CEO and permeate throughout management. It must be intentional.”
What does this mean for you and your agency? It is imperative that you take action now to become an industry leader. Emphasize your commitment to diversity and inclusion by creating best-practice policies and procedures. Nancy believes that “Pronoun rules showcase your commitment to diversity and inclusion. They demonstrate compliance in jurisdictions where nonbinary employees are legally protected, and discrimination based on gender identity is prohibited.”
Incorporating diversity and inclusion (D&I) policies minimizes compliance risk, creates a safe work environment for employees and patients, fosters an environment of respect, and even has financial benefits! According to a 2019 survey by Price Waterhouse Coopers, 85% of CEOs globally report seeing enhanced performance after investing in D&I programs. The Wall Street Journal states “Diverse and inclusive cultures provide organizations with a competitive advantage over their peers.”
As mentioned in the opening, the use of language has evolved. The AP Stylebook accepts plural pronouns such as they, them, and their to refer to singular nouns/individuals. We no longer need to assume a person’s identity using he/she pronouns. The Pew Research Center discovered that one in five Americans knows someone who prefers to use gender-neutral pronouns such as they. “Ignoring pronoun preferences of gender nonbinary and transgender employees may cause emotional pain and could trigger discrimination claims,” stated Nancy. Chances are someone you know, love, or respect prefers to use a gender-neutral pronoun. Enact agency-wide change for them. It makes a difference, and it matters.
Check out our updated webinar from February 2022 will walk you through the process of creating, establishing, and maintaining these important policies. Learn how to create a culture of respect and understanding that benefits employees, patients, business associates, and future generations.
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