Developing Your Sales Team: 3 Key Ingredients For Finding Your Next Sales Associate
Developing Your Sales Team: 3 Key Ingredients For Finding Your Next Sales Associate
3 Key Ingredients For Finding Your Next Sales Associate:
- The right person and experience are vital. When hiring for this role, make sure your job description is well written and explains what will be expected. You will receive a lot of resumes that say they have expertise in sales, but make sure to ask specific questions. If they have a lot of experience and ties to the community, you should ask to see their W-2 so you can see the bonus stub they receive. This will show you proof of concept. Anyone can lie and say they have substantial sales records, but without validation, you may be hiring someone who isn’t the right fit for your sales goals.
- Training, training, and more training. No matter how much experience the applicant may have, you need to ensure you have a strategic onboarding process so you can ensure they are supported in their new role. Have a fail-fast in place (90 days-120 days) to make sure they are staying on course. Once your new hire has reached the fail-fast, they need to be producing results. If not, then you need to have a conversation about if this position is the right fit.
- Building relationships = new accounts = more referrals. This is a numbers game. The more accounts you have, the more referrals you will receive. Your sales representative should be visiting about 50 accounts per week: this totals about 2,600 visits a year. Given that there is a 1–2% response rate from these visits, it becomes increasingly more important to reach as many accounts as possible.
Choosing a new sales associate is never easy. Check out Kurt’s webinar, The Days of Muffin Marketing are Over: Develop Your Professional Growth Model, to learn about the two other key ingredients to finding the best candidates. Here he lays out the steps you must take from hiring a new associate to updating your sales model altogether.
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