30 Best Marijuana Policies & Procedures for the Workplace
30 Best Marijuana Policies & Procedures for the Workplace
Below is a list of Nancy’s 30 Best Marijuana Policies & Procedures to ensure your agency is compliant and that your employees and customers are safe.
- Create thoroughly researched, up-to-date marijuana policies and procedures.
- Include rules governing CBD and hemp-derived products.
- Address federal, state, and local laws governing recreational and medical marijuana use, possession, distribution, testing, administration, storage, accommodation, and penalties.
- Discuss industry and government regulations governing recreational and medical marijuana use and testing.
- Track court decisions statewide and nationwide. Court rulings may impact policy updates and business decisions.
- If you operate in multiple states, determine whether one universal marijuana policy works, or if you need separate policies and procedures for each state.
- Focus on prohibiting marijuana use, possession, and impairment in the workplace.
- Approach marijuana as you do alcohol. You may not use marijuana at work. You may not drink alcohol at work. You may not be high or intoxicated at work.
- Discuss on-the-job and off-duty marijuana-related risks, rules, regulations, and requirements.
- If using existing drug-testing, zero-tolerance, or drug-free workplace policies to prohibit marijuana use, add marijuana-specific language: For the purposes of the organization’s drug-testing policy, the definition of illegal drugs includes medical marijuana.
- If you opt not to prohibit marijuana, establish and enforce impairment-free rules.
- Strictly prohibit impairment by marijuana, illegal drugs, or alcohol while at work or on the organization’s premises.
- Include language about the abuse of prescription drugs, including medical marijuana.
- If you remove marijuana prohibitions, do so with the understanding that safety claims may increase.
- Write in plain English. Be clear and conversational. No legalese or gobbledygook.
- Be specific: Leave no room for individual interpretation of your policy and procedures.
- Take a considered approach to testing. Weigh the pros and cons of screening staff and applicants.
- Multistate employers should consider testing for marijuana only as required by law or regulations.
- Discuss mandatory testing for safety-sensitive positions and as required by federal law, Drug-Free Workplace Act, DOT.
- As allowed by state law, consider testing employees when there is a reasonable suspicion — observed by at least two managers — of workplace impairment.
- Train managers to recognize signs of impairment and adhere to formal testing policy and procedures.
- Put some teeth in your policy. Impose disciplinary action, up to and including employment termination, for policy violations.
- Consider making reasonable accommodations for medical marijuana cardholders, in relation to testing, impairment, discipline, expectations, compassionate care, and anti-discrimination law.
- Weigh employee assistance programs (EAPs), counseling, or treatment as alternatives to terminating otherwise-valuable employees who test positive for marijuana use.
- Conclude the policy with a mandatory — signed and dated — employee acknowledgment form.
- Have Legal review marijuana policy and procedures pre-distribution to employees.
- Support policy with organization-wide training to help ensure 100% compliance.
- Educate all employees — entry-level staff to C-Suite executives — about marijuana risks, laws, policy, and procedures.
- Enforce marijuana policy, testing, and penalties equally, regardless of employee rank, title, popularity, tenure.
- Contact Nancy Flynn’s Marijuana Policy InstituteTM for help with writing policies and training employees. Visit the website at www.marijuanapolicyinstitute.com.
Content for this blog post is part of a whitepaper titled Marijuana Policy & Best Practices Handling Employee Medical & Recreational Use designed by Nancy Flynn. To learn more about this topic and these best practices please contact us at support@eewebinarnetwork.com or call us at (406) 442-2585 to purchase.
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